Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New year, new ideas, new dolls (I hope!)

I'm still recovering from this ridiculous ear infection, can you believe that? One ruptured eardrum, one seriously congested inner ear. I went to a job interview last week with only about a quarter of my usual hearing; thank goodness it was in a nursing school, so all I had to say was "My eardrum is ruptured, please forgive me and perhaps speak a bit louder," and I got four or five "Have you seen your doctor? Do you have an otolaryngologist?" (Type that five times fast....) VERY nice people. Plus, if the other eardrum had ruptured, I was surrounded by nurses and one building away from a major hospital. Score!

I think I need to add a "Meet the Dolls" page to this blog. Whatcha think? Most of the folks who come here know Martie, perhaps Elizabeth, and a few of the others, but clicking in from an outside link might appreciate some background info on these vinyl and resin characters of mine.

My one blogging resolution for 2013 is to get back into posting here more often. I've been sick, off and on, since late September, and trust me, that can grind a person down. BUT--things are looking up, I think, so I'd like to reflect that here.

Besides, Martie's getting grumpy about the lack of attention. Here's an older pic to pacify her. I made her entire outfit, except of course the shoes. And the cat hair.


  1. Oooh Charlie, I so Love the clothes you create, and the title of this blog makes me smile Huge - HuGs and HappyMost New Year's To Ya's!!! ManyMosT Happy Dollies To Ya's Too's!!!!

    1. Thank you, Tiggs! HappyMost New Years to you and all the fae and dollies!!

  2. A ruptured eardrum? That sounds awful! Best wishes for you to get better soon. Ouch! : (

    I would love to see a "Meet the Dolls" page to get to know Martie and her friends better. I started reading your blog a couple of months ago and I really enjoy it. Martie is so fun! : )

    Out of curiosity, where do you get shoes for Martie?

    Get well soon!

    --Anonymous : )

    1. I'm hearing MUCH better this week, thanks!

      I'm glad you're enjoying DBB and Martie! :D

      I get Martie's shoes from a lot of places. She can fit Tonner Tyler Wentworth flats, just barely and without hose. She can also wear flats made for Rini and Urban Vita by Horseman. I did some experimenting, and found that she can wear most shoes made for Bleuette, and narrow shoes made for YoSD sized ball jointed dolls. The sneeakers she's wearing in this pic are YoSD shoes.

  3. I hope for new doll too the one I really want right now is Saige or Katniss! well get well soon.

  4. Charlie, sending you good health wishes of course, but would LOVE a Meet the Dolls page.


    1. Well, then, you shall have a Meet the Dolls page! :D And thank you for healthy wishes!

  5. I cant wait till I get a chord for my camera so that I can finally post picts of my dolls on my blog! anyhoo I really love your blog the best thing about it is I get to see Martie and her firends well tell Martie I say hi! oh you can tell all your dolls That I say hi! anyhoo hope your feeling better but if not feel better!

    1. I told Martie, and she says "HI!!" back to you and your dolls, too!


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