Saturday, March 9, 2013

The very short, incredibly true story of the lost faery in the Mountain of Chaos.

Way back in October 2011, I posted about a tiny 7 cm glow-in-the-dark fairy I got, from Donny Harijanto of Dream High Studio, all the way from Indonesia: a microfae named Flora.

Isn't she gorgeous? Here's how teensy she really is, against my hand, which is average size:

The photo is terrible, but you get the idea. YEEEPS! I was so worried that I'd lose her, she's so very, very small! 

And of course, that was promptly what I did, for a year and four months! I lost her!! AIEEEE!!

See, her lovely box is also small, and in the utter clutter that is my house, she just......disappeared. I tore the place up (well, more than it already was) looking for her. After a few weeks of looking and hoping, I kinda gave up, and figured that as long as she was somewhere in the house, she'd turn up. Then I just tried to keep an eye out, with occasional bouts of mini-recon searching.

A couple of weeks ago, my loverly husband, who was trying to straighten up the place (ultimately futile, but we can't surrender to the chaos! That way lies "Hoarders!"), brought to me a pretty little pink box (that he hadn't looked into) and said "Do you need this, or should I throw it out?"


There she was, all safe and snuggly in her sturdy little box, looking up at me with an expression that said "What? I wasn't lost, I knew exactly where I was. Hrmph!"

Faeries are such capricious, secretive little beings. 


  1. She is cute - I can see why she went into hiding. You need to make her a sparkly tutu

    1. I think she needs a little dress, but she disagrees, and has resisted efforts to try on *anything*, including just a teeny scrap of cloth.

  2. Awww, I am so Happy you Found Her!!!!

  3. one of your dolls could look after her for you so that you know were she is

    1. I may set one of the Monster High dolls on her, just to keep an eye on her!

  4. I have this problem all the time whenever I try to put something "Somewhere safe". -_-

    1. Yep--the safe space seems to include safe from ME!


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