Sunday, November 11, 2012

Autumn in the park.

Yesterday, I actually went outside to the park and walked the dog! A month ago, that would have been impossible, so take THAT, pneumonia! Mind, I went with my husband as well, and when *he* was walking with the dog I couldn't keep up!, but hey. I went out, I walked, and that sounds like a major triumph to me. BOOYAH.

And, of course, Martie came along. We were disappointed that the pneumonia made us miss all the bright fall colors, but we found a couple of nice photo spots all the same.


  1. Looks like today was a good day, though! Yay for walks in the park, however slow.

    1. It was supposedly for the dog's sake, but I *know* Kevin was more determined that I get out of the house and move about. Kevin FTW! ;D

    2. I have a question, did Tonner use to have a rapunzel doll with blue eyes or did you put them in yourself? i know you said yours was modified with glass blue eyes but can you tell me exactly what you mean by that I just want to know. thanks!

  2. Love the tartan plaid! What clan is that?

    1. Sara, I have NO idea! I bought that fabric as a remnant, and made the dress by winging it, I just made it up as I went along. it turned out to be one of my favorites, and now I wish I had more of that fabric!

  3. So glad to hear you are on the mend, Charlie! Love Martie's plaid!

    Trenda Marie

  4. I made a deal with my mom To get Rapunzel! So I have Hope!

  5. Anhoo, can you give me some tips on caring for the doll?

    1. Just take care of her like you would any other good doll--don't leave her in the sun or heat, don't OVER-brush her hair (which is why I usually have Martie's in a braid of some kind), clean her off with a damp cloth. The Tonner dolls also have hard vinyl heads, which makes them prone sometimes to scrapes and scratches--Martie's had a couple of facial scratches that I've sanded out with an extremely fine sandpaper pad. Tonner has a really great doll hospital, too, so if something awful happens, they can fix it.

  6. Thanks for the tips you really know alot about caring for dolls!


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