Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I will survive.

I have been ill, my dears, quite miserably ill. I came home from TonnerCon with a cold that, a few days later, got nasty and turned into acute bronchitis; as I have severe asthma, as well, this is generally A Very Bad Thing. My husband insistently dragged me to Urgent Care on Sunday, bless his heart, and they were concerned enough to take a chest x-ray ("Lady, if I could contort myself that way and hold my frakkin' breath, I wouldn't be here"). I was quite relieved to find that it had not developed into pneumonia. Triumph! I was sent home with serious drugs, like codeine and an antibiotic that could kill a grizzly at 20 paces, and while I'm still not well, I'm getting better and have regained my will to live. Huzzah, etc.

Thus the lack of posts and pics for the last few days. Soon I'll get all the TonnerCon pics captioned and a few new pics taken, and I hope to get myself back to what passes for normal around here.

Meanwhile, have a Martie replay pic or two:


  1. Replies
    1. She wishes. ;D It's just a street shot of the South Side neighborhood of Pittsburgh. We found the purple flying monkey intriguing.

  2. hope you get better soon

  3. i've been a fan long enough to remember the bottom pic!:D Well, glad to hear you've regained the will to live....

    1. Yes, the tropical Xmas tree surprise! Man, were those lights a pain to unwrap from that palm. Thank you!

  4. Martie, please take good care of Charlie!

    1. She is. Lots of good attention and just general comforting Martie-ness. Thank you, dear!


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